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ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ЧЕРНАЯ МАГИЯ - Форум Объединённого Духовного Братства ( USF )
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 Order of Dark Gods

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Участников: 2
Верховный Маг (13*)
Верховный Маг (13*)

Мужчина Сообщения : 3404
Дата регистрации : 2012-02-18
Возраст : 40
Откуда : Киев

Order of Dark Gods  Empty
СообщениеТема: Order of Dark Gods    Order of Dark Gods  Icon_minitime09.04.13 14:46

One of the most powerful magic orders of nowadays. We are openly declaring it. Our order consists of masters of black magic dedicated by The Force. You can contact us; we are open to the community.  Our order brings knowledge to the community, and helps spiritual development of the people.

Order of "Dark Gods" t, is revived Order of Academ-Sumerian civilization, later migrated to ancient Egypt and preserved by the priests of the cult of snake that lived in the Middle East. In the Order, the teachings of the metaphysical and practical synthesis of opposite sides of life are practiced. With the help of Dark Gods, the Order carries out various kinds of magic works aimed at the health or sickness, life or death, success or failure, as well as the improvement of the human spirit to that can only be obtained through the harmonization of opposites in human nature and the universe as a whole.

A key task of our Order lies in the revival and construction of the Temple of the Dark Gods.

Rules of becoming a member of the Order:

If you want to become a member of our order of black magic, you must send your information such as: name, photo, date of birth, city and place of residence, place of work, and what skills and knowledge of occult you have.

In addition, if you want to join the inner circle of order, you need to have considerable knowledge of black magic.

If you see yourself fitting in this criteria, then your ability and knowledge will be checked by Master of the Order, and if you get accepted, you receive the title of Adept of The Order. Do not even try to cheat our masters; your photo will be a complete diagnosis.

Also, if you want to join the outer circle, you will also need to specify your full details and photos.
The outer circle is designed for beginners in magic, and for those who want to master the dark arts. On this basis, the person receives the initial title - Neophyte.

For the outer circle, as well as for inner, meetings and events, joint rituals would be held.

In addition to the outer and the inner circle of practitioners, there is a Magistrate of the Order, in which there are Masters of the Dark Arts. After the Adept will reach a definite stage of development and empowerment, he or she would be accepted to magistrate.

Representation of The Order in cities of Ukraine and international representatives:

You can apply to become a representative of The Order of the Dark Gods.
You must state country and city of your residence, and some information about yourself such as name, passport number and series, place of work, hobbies.
We will review your application and if you suit our interests, we will assign you as a representative or as a chief curator of The Order of the city where you live.
You must be over the age of 21-years-old, with no mental disorders, with practice skills of the left-hand path!

Последний раз редактировалось: ПАЗИЛОРТ (16.08.15 21:53), всего редактировалось 1 раз(а)
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Князь Тьмы

Князь Тьмы

Мужчина Сообщения : 221
Дата регистрации : 2013-02-07
Возраст : 41
Откуда : Санкт-Петербург

Order of Dark Gods  Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: Order of Dark Gods    Order of Dark Gods  Icon_minitime09.04.13 23:50

Уважаемый ПАЗИЛОРТ! скажите, а зачем вы на английском написали информацию, чем занимается орден и как в него попасть?))))
Это не главное.... вы написали что есть в Санкт-Петербурге адепт? как с ним можно связаться???
Буду очень благодарен за ответ.
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Order of Dark Gods
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